A normal Tuesday turned into a realm of learning and a brand new experience. I had the honor and ability to attend the AAF student day. Throughout the day we got to hear different panel discussions, take headshots, and even have a portfolio review. Talking to industry leaders was nerve-racking at the start of the day. However, as the day went on I realized they were taking time out of their daily work lives to come spend time getting to know us and teaching about their jobs. It was simply amazing to hear so many different stories of how these professionals ended up where they are. Most of them started working in jobs that aren’t anywhere close to where they are now. Life has ups and downs. Even if the job you get right away isn’t where you ultimately want to be, embrace where you currently are. Don’t be afraid to ask to do more. Offer your design skills at a current position and maybe something great will come from it. Trust the process of change. Throughout the design world, there are so many different job fields. The list is endless and includes marketing, analytics, ad design, social media and promotional efforts. I’m currently taking in all I can and learning about each of these areas. There are a few that I gravitate towards and some that I’m not sure would be up my ally. I can’t wait to see where life takes me and where I end up in the industry.