A Role Model in the Photography World

The role model I’ve been following for about a year now is Ashlyn Lee Photo. I’ve been stalking her photography page on Instagram nonstop lately. Her work is not only unique but also nostalgic and timeless. I love the black-and-white portraits she displays. Ashlyn also just started a clothing brand called The Romantics Club. It’s a brand all about showing off and appreciating how important love is in the world. She asked for replies on what each of her followers would describe love as. Then, she created posts of some of her favorite responses. This was one of my favorites.

“When I think of love, I think of something that’s unconditional, something that never changes, an unwavering devotion. I had felt that wholeheartedly through my relationship with Jesus, but I truly did not completely grasp the concept until I met my husband. Marriage has been the most beautiful earthly representation of Christ’s sacrifice for us when He died on that cross. He didn’t just die for those who sit perfectly in church every Sunday; he died for every. single. person. No matter how broken we are, Jesus sees us at our worst every day, and He STILL chooses us. No matter how many times we betray Him, He is always there, offering his forgiveness & love. And THAT is true love.

My husband loves me through everything I’ve been through, my faults, my mistakes, my real & raw emotions, all the highs & all the lows. When I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, he was right by my side, even when I couldn’t drive for a year. Even when I was bed ridden for days, he never stopped showing me nothing but love, not even an ounce of frustration came from him. He remembers the little things, He knows me inside & out, just like Jesus does. I never want to take it for granted, because what a beautiful thing it is to experience Christ’s love for me so sweetly & intimately on this earth.”

I thought that this person’s response was heartwarming and left an impact on me. Christ’s love in my life has changed the way I think. I live each and every day as if it could be my last. Our impact on other people’s lives is important! Always remember that a simple smile or a little compliment could make someone’s entire week. Love is important in the world. And we are called to love one another just as Jesus loves us.

Ashlyn Lee Photo has inspired me to get into photography because I love the looks of her photos! Below are a few of her shots!

Her Instagram is @ashlynleephoto, if you want to check out her amazing work, & the clothing brand’s Instagram handle is @the.romanticsclub.

