
  • Struggling through cold season

    I’ve caught a cold. Having a cold makes working on anything and everything difficult. I’ve been extremely tired the past week and slept more hours than I can count. It’s important to balance school work and health. One or the other shouldn’t suffer.

    Health should always come first, but managing school at the same time is very important, as balancing both is essential for long-term success and well-being. Prioritizing physical and mental health allows you to stay focused, energized, and resilient, while maintaining academic responsibilities builds discipline, time-management skills, and a sense of achievement.

    Finding a balance between the two can be challenging, but creating a schedule, setting realistic goals, and seeking support from teachers or counselors can help ensure both health and education are nurtured effectively.

  • Ready for Christmas Break

    Oh, I’m so prepared for Christmas Break. Getting through until then is what I’m striving for. Projects are starting to wrap up and classes are starting to feel like they drag on. I’m getting in the Christmas mood and I decorated my room at home. My bed at home is calling my name. I always sleep so much better at home and I can’t wait to be there for a straight month! Pushing through, that’s where I’m currently at.

  • Featured Article

    Progress has been made on my featured article. The only thing I have left to do with it is final touches! One thing I learned throughout creating this Featured Article spread is to keep things flowing together. Before, I had a script font for all the paragraph titles. But, that didn’t flow very well with the mood of the article. The titles of these paragraphs go along with the lead in spread font. Making it all a cohesive whole.

  • Creating our Magazine

    Creating a magazine is A LOT of work! I didn’t realize how much planning could go into a seemingly small magazine. From laying out the pages, to the finest little details, everything needs to be fully thought through. Setting up each page separately is part of the process. Then, deciding margins for each page. Setting up a layout for everything is also needed. I’m currently working on my Featured article. Here’s my progress so far. It’s not a final, so I’ll most likely make changes before submitting! Creating this magazine has been fun at times, but stressful at others. There’s quite a bit that still has to be done! Keep pushing on and don’t give up. Everything will turn out okay in the end.

  • First Step of Creating a Website

    First, it’s important to start the design of a website with a mood board. If a company has a logo, it should be placed within this board. A mood board consists of the colors the website will be using and the hexidecimal numbers of the colors. It includes the font choices of your headlines, sub headlines, and body copy. It also includes those text sizes, spacing, and styles. A mood board also includes background color, or images. It includes images similar to ones that would be on the website. Key words that describe the vibe of this website can be put on the mood board as well. Graphic elements that will be used within the website can be placed here. The navigation look, feel, and. placement should also be within your mood board.

  • Cars for sale Industry Tour

    As a class, we had the opportunity to see and hear all about the cars for sale workplace. We got to hear a few people that graduated from STI in the past speak about their job here at cars for sale. There are so many different job opportunities within one business here. From designing, to answering phone calls about issues people are having, cars for sale seems to have it all. Not to mention, their break rooms are SO cool! They have a whole coffee shop within their business. Other activity areas are a putting green and golf simulators. They even have a slide that goes from the second floor down to the first floor. Within the building, they have a huge dinosaur in the middle of the first floor. A rooster on the second floor, and lots of comfy break spots with couches. Also, they have quite a few different interesting vehicles in there. From old cars, to an actual TRON bike from the movie, cars for sale has so many different vehicles to look at inside.

  • Rake the Town

    We had the opportunity to rake two differnet lots in Sioux Falls as one of our class periods. This was super fun and an opportunity to hang out with classmates in a different environment. It was great to volunteer and rake some lots for people! We were lucky that it wasn’t too chilly and the rain held off until we were done raking.

  • A hack for 2nd year

    The second year of Media Design can be super overwhelming, or super fun. The choice is truly yours. If you look at the assignments from a point of view that views them as fun, the year is going to fly by and be fun. But, if you look at each assignment as a chore, and something you don’t want to do at all, it’s going to be a long year. I had to change my mindset at the beginning of the semester to a fun mindset.

    Keep your head up, and keep pushing on! You got this.

  • Problem Solving

    This is an important skill when it comes to designing in general. Without the ability to solve problems well, I personally don’t think you can become a successful designer. Solving problems within a design is important, but also is there’s issues in the communicating side of the design. You have to be able to solve problems if you run into them and reach out to the client to do so. If you have a question while designing for someone else, it’s better to simply ask instead of try to guess.

  • Form & Space

    In design, form and space are two elements that make advertisements exist. Without form, there won’t be space, and without space it’s hard to identify form. Even typing letters have both form and space. Without the space around each letter or space in an O, it wouldn’t look like a letter at all. Pay attention to the space you have to work with before creating a design. This ad uses form and space very well. The space between the liquid makes the viewer think that a wipe swiped the juice away. Without even seeing a wipe, this is implied.