
  • Current Design Trends

    One of the design trends I’ve been noticing and sometimes cringing at is texture to words. This texture is out there and extreme. For instance, fuzzy-looking letters and food-like letters. I was scrolling on Instagram and saw letters that looked like pretzels. I’m not sure if someone who loves pretzels would’ve been all over this design either. When designing, it’s important to try to create a timeless design that won’t easily go out of style. Making letters look like specific things almost “dumbs it down” in a sense. It tends to make a design look childish. Another example of this was a bunch of different Lego to create a letter. This one wasn’t so bad. I thought it fit the design and the target audience. Lastly, I saw ropes forming a word.

    Overall, hard core texture is a current design trend that I’ve been noticing lately. If used correctly, it enhances the customer’s wish to feel, touch, or taste the design they’re seeing. But, if it’s used or designed poorly, it makes the design/company come off as childish.

  • Future design idea

    As I’ve been taking pictures and learning a lot within Photoshop, I’ve noticed a growing interest in the sky and the sunset colors. There are cloud brushes within Photoshop that allow you to insert clouds that have been made into a brush. Using these features and seeing the gorgeous South Dakota sunsets lately has led me to want to create my own cloud brushes. The stunning cloud shapes and colors of the sky make me want to create something of my own. There are also features called sky drops. These take the beautiful colors from the sky and make it so someone else is able to drop it into their picture. Learning how to create my own is certainly on my list of things to do. Someday, maybe I’ll have a big enough collection to sell my own set! 

  • Something I learned in a GenEd class

    I took social media marketing. Throughout designing, you also have to market at some point. If you work for a business, it’s important to know the different ways to market and how to gain a following on social media. I learned how to gain a following and also that you have to post very consistently. Followers will go down if you’re not making attractive posts consistently.

    Also, if your content is terrible and stock imagery on social medias, this turns people away from your business. It’s going to cause people to not want to follow you, or buy your product. It’s so important to either take your own images, or find high quality, un-blurry photos that are free of use.

    With that being said, create your own! Another thing would be to plan and research. How are other businesses gaining followers so quickly? Do they post the same kind of content daily, weekly, biweekly? Do they post 100% new content each time they post? Are they doing giveaways that require a follow and a share to their friends? These are the kinds of questions you can ask yourself about a thriving business and research to learn for yourself.

  • A Role Model in the Photography World

    The role model I’ve been following for about a year now is Ashlyn Lee Photo. I’ve been stalking her photography page on Instagram nonstop lately. Her work is not only unique but also nostalgic and timeless. I love the black-and-white portraits she displays. Ashlyn also just started a clothing brand called The Romantics Club. It’s a brand all about showing off and appreciating how important love is in the world. She asked for replies on what each of her followers would describe love as. Then, she created posts of some of her favorite responses. This was one of my favorites.

    “When I think of love, I think of something that’s unconditional, something that never changes, an unwavering devotion. I had felt that wholeheartedly through my relationship with Jesus, but I truly did not completely grasp the concept until I met my husband. Marriage has been the most beautiful earthly representation of Christ’s sacrifice for us when He died on that cross. He didn’t just die for those who sit perfectly in church every Sunday; he died for every. single. person. No matter how broken we are, Jesus sees us at our worst every day, and He STILL chooses us. No matter how many times we betray Him, He is always there, offering his forgiveness & love. And THAT is true love.

    My husband loves me through everything I’ve been through, my faults, my mistakes, my real & raw emotions, all the highs & all the lows. When I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, he was right by my side, even when I couldn’t drive for a year. Even when I was bed ridden for days, he never stopped showing me nothing but love, not even an ounce of frustration came from him. He remembers the little things, He knows me inside & out, just like Jesus does. I never want to take it for granted, because what a beautiful thing it is to experience Christ’s love for me so sweetly & intimately on this earth.”

    I thought that this person’s response was heartwarming and left an impact on me. Christ’s love in my life has changed the way I think. I live each and every day as if it could be my last. Our impact on other people’s lives is important! Always remember that a simple smile or a little compliment could make someone’s entire week. Love is important in the world. And we are called to love one another just as Jesus loves us.

    Ashlyn Lee Photo has inspired me to get into photography because I love the looks of her photos! Below are a few of her shots!

    Her Instagram is @ashlynleephoto, if you want to check out her amazing work, & the clothing brand’s Instagram handle is @the.romanticsclub.



  • The History Within

    Graphic design can date all the way back to cave paintings. In Design Development class, we learned a design rule that says, “Ignore fashion, seriously.” Throughout history, there have always been “popular” design trends. Being within the design field, it’s difficult not to go along with those trends. If you look back into history, you can find the design trends that are now completely out of style, but also some that still hold their value. The trends fluctuate, and things come in and out of style within years. Take scrunchies, for example, or even bell bottom jeans; both were in style long ago and came back in style again.

    I’m going to take you on a journey through the design field in the 1900’s.

    In the early 50’s and beginning of the 60’s, the trend was pop art. Here’s an example of the pop art from then.

    Towards the end of the 60’s, the groovy psychedelic trends started. Hippies were on the rise during this time, and designs showed that! 

    This is a save the bees T-shirt design by Eliza Osmo that represents this time in history.

    The 1970s were filled with thick lines and bright colors. Also in the 70’s, free-form typography took a rise. The decade was paired with this, the laid-back attitude indicated by the groovy curves, thick line weights, and lack of organization. Freeform typeface has a laid-back, welcoming feel to it, and it goes well with cozy color schemes and peaceful hippie ideas. 

    During the 80’s, MTV was on the rise. Lots of designs holding this logo were created. However, the MTV logo is still put into designs today! The history of this logo dates back many decades, but it’s still prevalent today. Also during the 80’s, Memphis-style design was common. This style consisted of bright colors with shapes and lines scattered. Pee-wee Herman’s show proudly represents the Memphis style. 

    The 90’s is when Adobe Photoshop was released. So, designs got easier to make common, and typefaces began to rise. Typography was easier to create. This is when the Jurassic Park logo and Friends logo were created. Also during the 90’s, the grunge rock band theme was on the rise. Crazy and unorganized-looking packages were everywhere. 

    Throughout the 1900’s, there were many design trends that went on. Some of them have gone completely out of style, but some have popped up again in trends. It’s important to look through history and see the changes that the design world has endured. I enjoyed learning and researching these trends in history. While designing, these trends throughout history will be in mind.

  • Packaging display

    This is the chip bag I saw and bought!

  • Design Development Class

    Here’s my take away from the first official day of Design Development class. We went over a total of 20 rules for making a good design. Each of us were split into groups to go into further detail on four of them. One of the rules was, Create Images- Don’t scavenge. Unique, original design elements and pictures are extremely important within the design world.

    Without a camera, it is also possible to generate attractive and visually appealing elements. For example, copying and pasting an abstract shape, changing its hue, and adjusting its blur filters could create a beautiful design.

    Also, a little manipulation to a bad image can easily make it new and original. Changing the color and adding texture are some of the options to do so.

    Overall, creating an image or set up completely from scratch is the best way to go about designing. Set up a photoshoot of a product, create some graphics that go along with it. Then, the rights of the product at the end will be all in your name. Telling someone you love that you made this full advertisement, poster, magazine, book, or whatever it is entirely by yourself is such an awesome feeling. I hope you get to experience it someday.

  • First photography session

    I was inspired to create a triptych for a photography design after seeing a post on someone’s social media that featured a mosaic of black and white images. I’ve included a photo of the result below! I believe that the way these three photos are arranged together show the love of this couple in a unique way. A love language is demonstrated by the significance of supporting one another and holding hands, reaching out to one another.

    I took pictures of a couple for the first time! Someone reached out to me and asked me to take pictures of them for their 3-year anniversary! I learned so many things and gained confidence in myself throughout this session.

    One of the lessons I learned is that posing is different for every couple. Personalities have a big role in posing. Each person, couple, or group will mean different posing. If someone isn’t comfortable with one of my photo ops, I’ll have to change it some to fit the situation.

  • Portfolio show intake and photography

    Today I attended the portfolio show of the class, only one year ahead of me. I learned about new projects that I will come across and do myself next year. I’m so excited for the future and all the upcoming projects I’ll get to do. The future sure is bright, and boy, am I ready for it. Below are some of the flicks I caught from the show.

  • Mom’s Birthday

    I got to go home on a random Tuesday for my mom’s birthday! Normally I don’t go home in the middle of the week, but this week I got to. I learned that sometimes, the sporadic things in life are what mean the most. I wasn’t planning on going home but decided to surprise my mom with a gift and her favorite coffee order. Planning is something that I normally do to keep organized. However, the unplanned things can be the most fun.