I have always believed that life is not simply about meetingrequirements but also embracing every given opportunity and doing allthat is required to go a notch higher. It is not something I do because it is expected or makes me look better; it is something within me that, to some level, is very personal. It is a standard operating procedure I setup for myself for most of my undertakings.
1. Setting Higher Standards for Myself
Reaching beyond the norm has called for a raising of the bar in myapproach to life on a day-to-day basis. One can easily get by on minimaleffort, but there’s a difference in satisfaction and growth when you’retaken past the bare minimum. Whether at the workplace, at goals, or with relationships in my personal life, I go above and beyond just because I never impress others to see that indeed there’s somethinggreater expected from me than what the expected minimumperformance warrants.
For example, in terms of meeting deadlines, this involved much effortof fine-tuning details and additions beyond expectation. It’s that littlemore that makes me different. I don’t want to do my job well; I want to do it great. I make it a point to learn new skills, deliver on challengingprojects, and keep pushing my envelope to do more than what wasdone earlier. I don’t settle for “good enough” because, to me, pushing beyond the limits is growth, and it creates newer opportunities.
2. Consistency is Key
Going above and beyond is about consistency. It is not about doing something amazing once and being done, but making excellence a habit. That is what keeps me going-knowing that in little things, whether it is getting up early to set the tone for the day, being continually learning, or taking the time to be thoughtful with other people, it is the everyday things that really make a difference.
It’s not that I just put effort into my goals when it is convenient or I feel like it; I show up day in and day out, whether hard or I’m not seeing any immediate results. It is the small, the constant actions that make thebig changes. In a habit of going beyond what’s required that compounds over time and builds momentum in every single area of your life.
3. Surpassing Expectations in Relationships
This is one of the most important areas wherein, I believe, one shouldgo beyond expectations: in relationships. Be it family, friends, or yourlove interest, one should always make people feel valued and appreciated. I go out of my way to listen, show empathy, and be present for the people I care about. It is not just showing up to big moments, but showing up and being in support when it really makesothers feel seen.
Meanwhile, it is important for me to exercise relationships for growthand not just hold on to where comfort zones are really easy. Wherethere is status quo, deepen the connection and involve people I care about more through new experiences with encouragement. Then, checking-in times for their need or being found through ways thatindicate love and show being heard.
4. Challenging Myself Outside of My Comfort Zone
Growth only occurs when one steps out of their comfort zone. It is not always easy to go above and beyond; it means taking risks, pushing boundaries, and doing things that make me uncomfortable. But every time I step outside my usual routine, I learn something new about myself.
I never stop challenging myself. Learning any new skill, going to a new place, or having that difficult conversation- anything that pushes me outside my comfort zone is embraced. It’s not about perfection; it’s about embracing the discomfort and knowing I’ll grow stronger in the process.
5. Give More Than You Promise
Going above and beyond often means giving more than what’s asked of you. This can show up in small ways, such as offering help when it’s not required, or it could be larger, such as dedicating time or resources to causes I care about. One of the most rewarding parts of going above and beyond is giving without expecting anything in return.
I have learned that the more I give-time, knowledge, or support-the more I get in return. It has nothing to do with transactional relationships but rather this belief in that ripple effect of kindness, generosity, and positivity. Actually, giving more than what is expected really changes not only others but also myself.
6. Embracing the Journey, Not Just the Destination
Going above and beyond means embracing the process fully. Sometimes, one gets so lost in checking boxes and working toward anend goal that one forgets where the growth will actually happen-when one is all in. I have learned to appreciate little wins, small moments, and the lessons I pick up along the way.
Whether it’s the slow progress in a personal project or the challenges I face in relationships, I take joy in the process. The beauty of going above and beyond is not just in the end result but in the effort and growth that happens along the way.
But going above and beyond at the end of the day does not have to dowith perfection nor come to some sort of idealistic view of success. Rather, it is a matter of choice in choosing to push oneself, to show up fully, and to strive toward being ever-better. It is dedication to the well-lived life of purpose, meaning, and intention. Though at times the roadmight be very easy, the path of going above and beyond creates the actual prize that’s rewarded in living one’s life.
Tag: self-improvement
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