Trap shooting is one of my favorite personal Southeast Tech experiences. I now genuinely adore it. In my first year as a dual-credit student, I joined the intramural/league trap shooting team. It’s been a blast breaking through orange clay in the sky. This past weekend, I also got engaged! This year, my fiancé joined the club, and we’ve had a great time exploring it together. It’s one of the weekly activities that helps us divert our attention from everything and concentrate on something else. The very first club meeting of the school year is often a little nerve-racking. It takes time to get back into the groove of shooting trap and the experience! We are already in our third week of shooting, and I’m finally starting to feel comfortable with everything again! Trap shooting has been a joy to be involved in and something I’ll miss next year! It’s a great way to bond with my fiancé and make memories together. I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a unique and exciting activity.